Strefa Alergii | Allergy trends

Dangerous fish flavours

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Data publikacji: 2023-03-10
To be read in 2 minutes
Kacper, age 25, always looks forward to weekend outings with friends. Everyone likes to experience new flavours, so they often change restaurants. This time the choice fell on a new place serving mainly seafood, including fish. The evening was very successful, but until then. An allergy got in the way.

Alergia na ryby, mężczyzna w restauracji

Fish allergy – how did it happen? Kacper was having a great time at a new restaurant. Suddenly, he felt his lips swelling and a rash began to appear on his face and neck. The discomfort was increasing, so the man decided to go to the ED. In the emergency department, the doctor took a thorough history. It turned out that Kacper had eaten fish in a restaurant, but apart from the swelling of his face and mouth and the rash, he was not experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms. He also did not complain of breathing difficulties or coughing. Furthermore, the man had no known allergies, nor was he taking medication. Kacper only recalled that his younger cousin does not eat fish or shellfish because he is allergic to them. Besides, the 25-year-old also quite rarely visited restaurants serving seafood dishes. The last time he had been to such an establishment was more than six months earlier.

Kacper remained in the emergency department for observation. He was also given medication to relieve the swelling and rash. He was discharged with the recommendation that he visit the allergy clinic. During the appointment, the doctor once again carefully reviewed his medical history and ordered blood tests.

It turned out that the patient had elevated specific E antibodies to cod, halibut, mackerel, pike, salmon, trout and tuna, as well as shellfish. The allergologist also decided to carry out a provocation test with fish. After eating them, the man again developed hives and swelling around the mouth. These symptoms were also accompanied by mild gastric symptoms with cod and salmon.


After confirming an allergy to these two fish, the man received a recommendation to obtain epinephrine and to avoid salmon and cod in his diet.



translation: Julia Majsiak

  1. Carla M. Davis, Ruchi S. Gupta, Ozge N. Aktas, Veronica Diaz et al., Clinical Management of Seafood Allergy, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 2020